Revelation 16:17-21
Just a Thought on Revelation
Part 4
Revelation 16:17-21
Introduction: As we have said before, in our study on Just a Thought on Revelation, it seems we are taken through the Tribulation 4 times (like the 4 Gospels).
- Here destruction of Babylon (Revelation 16:19 cp. Revelation 18:2; 14:8)
- 3 simultaneous accounts (not chronological). (under antichrist Revelation 12-14; under vials 16:19; details of the event 17-18)
- Second coming of Christ not yet occurred.
- Gathering the troops of the nations (Revelation 16:13-16)
- Post Tribulation Rapture (Revelation 16:15)
- Destruction of Babylon (Revelation 16:19)
- Revelation 17-18 description of Revelation 16:19.
- Post-Tribulation rapture (Revelation 16:15)
- Destruction of Babylon (Revelation 16:19)
- Then 2nd Advent occurs (Revelation 19:11)
- Revelation 17-18 describes Revelation 16:19
- “And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.” (Revelation 16:17-18)
- Note: At the pouring out of the 7th vial, the breaking of the 7th seal, the sounding of the 7th trumpet the same things occur.
- Voices, thunderings, great lightenings, great earthquake
- Note: At the pouring of the 7th vial, sounding of the 7th trumpet: Great hail storm
- Shows what happens at the 7th seal, trumpet, vial same period pf time
- 7th seal reveals, 7th trumpets announces event to come, 7th vial executes them.
- 7th seal broken “silence in heave; 7th trumpet and 7th vial “Great voices”
- “it is done”
- Christ declares from the cross “it is finished” (Finished salvation)
- Could be Christ declaring that the wrath of God is finished.
- End of Jacob’s trouble (70th week)
- Greatest earthquake this world has ever seen (Revelation 16:18)7t
- Note: At the pouring out of the 7th vial, the breaking of the 7th seal, the sounding of the 7th trumpet the same things occur.
- “And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.” (Revelation 16:19)
- 2nd Advent not occurred yet.
- Gathering the troops of the nations (Revelation 16:13-16)
- Post Tribulation Rapture (Revelation 16:15)
- “that great city” Possibly Jerusalem
- Some believe it is Babylon
- “the cities of the nations”
- Capitals of the 10 kingdoms confederate with the antichrist.
- “great Babylon came in remembrance before God”
- God has not forgotten
- Destruction of Babylon (Revelation 16:19)
- Revelation 17-18 description of Revelation 16:19.
- Post-Tribulation rapture (Revelation 16:15)
- Then 2nd Advent occurs (Revelation 19:11)
- God pays Babylon what she is owed. (Described in Revelation 18).
- 2nd Advent not occurred yet.
- “And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.” (Revelation 16:20-21)
- “islands…mountains…”
- Mountains leveled, islands destroyed.
- Change the contour and shape of Land of Palestine and surrounding changed
- Raise the Dead Sea so that it flows into the Red Sea (Ezekiel 47:1-12)
- Mountains leveled, islands destroyed.
- “great hail”
- Repetition of 7th Egyptian plague (Exodus 9:13-35)
- God uses His creation as weapons of warfare.
- For Joshua (Joshua 10:11)
- Note: Law required the blasphemer be stoned to death (Leviticus 24:16)
- Here blasphemers are stoned to death by hail stones
- Probably occurs at the crisis in the Battle of Armageddon
- God’s missiles (cf. Job 38:22-23)
- “about the weight of a talent”
- 100-114 lbs. each.
- “islands…mountains…”
- Seventh vial covers the whole period from the pouring out to the Christ’s return to the Mount of Olives.
- Understand the purpose of all of this God is going to give man what he has earned by choosing the antichrist and rejecting the Savior.
- Next, we will consider the Seven Dooms that shall fall following this event.